Go Gold! 2020


September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Every year, aTeam launches a campaign to bring more awareness to the unique hardships faced by families walking through pediatric cancer in Alabama. The symbol for Pediatric Cancer Awareness is the gold ribbon, which is why aTeam Goes Gold every September. In 2020, we focused on simplifying. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Period.


going gold in a pandemic.

Rallying our team to raise awareness for kids on the cancer journey in 2020, of course, looked a little different than in years past. We relied more heavily on testimony and on visual engagement as opposed to physically gathering together. We prioritized simply getting the story about pediatric cancer in front of as many people as possible. We put more t-shirts on backs and more signs in yards. We pushed harder for our community to share photos of what they were doing to raise awareness and sent more digital communications to share the stories of how cancer affects real families.


what september means to me:

This year, we asked parents what September means to them. “It is important because awareness will lead to funding, funding to research, and research to a cure. Not because it is my child, but because it is a child; and all they want is to live.” (Brian Cordell, Brianna’s Dad, pictured above.) The parents and kids who live this journey every day are the voices that need to be heard. They paint the clearest picture of why awareness matters. Awareness moves people to action. We plastered these voices everywhere we could. They covered our social media, our emails, our website, and our mailer during the month of September and beyond.


hard facts.

To help provide further context for these stories, we assembled some tough truths about pediatric cancer. We used these sparingly, as we never want to reduce any of these families to a statistic. Instead, we hope that these numbers helped show just how great a toll cancer takes on a family. We also included several statistics that we hope contextualize the scale and reach of this disease.


year by year.

Year by year, family by family, aTeam aims to raise awareness until every single person in Alabama and beyond knows the story of pediatric cancer and knows what they can do to help. Wanna join the team? Head over to the Go Gold! page of aTeam’s website (linked below) for more info on this year’s campaign.




Home is Where the Heart Is