Home is Where The Heart Is

giving campaign

The end of the year rolls around and we all know what that means: It's time to make your year-end gift! Time is running out! Okay, but really—the end of the year is the time in which organizations make one last push to inspire giving among their audience before the year turns over. After an absolutely brutal year for all of humanity, we felt it important to keep our 2020 year-end giving ask very human.


The Power of Testimony.

The way I endure COVID-19 is vastly different than the way a family with a child on treatment for cancer endures COVID-19. That was an important story for us to tell at the end of 2020. As we “pivoted” through the COVID-19 pandemic in real time, we highlighted what that pivot looks like for patient families. In talking to the families we know, we learned a lot. While we found that, in some ways, the pandemic was hugely isolating for patient families, it also helped these families feel seen. Suddenly their child wasn’t the only one wearing a mask. Suddenly they weren’t the only family pumping hand sanitizer at every turn. We focused this giving campaign on telling more stories from the families we know and love. In the weeks leading up to January 1, 2021, we sent out an array of emails telling the stories of families, volunteers, long-time investors, and more families who have been touched by our organization. We also sent out a mailer full of the faces who are walking this pediatric cancer journey every day, asking our big aTeam family to keep these families close in our hearts, even when we cannot be physically with them.


Go Gold! 2020


heart2heart 2021